The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Ltd., led by its Managing Director Guillaume DULOUT, paid a…

Uganda International Oil and Gas Summit, 2022
Managing Director, East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Ltd., Martin TIFFEN speaking at the 7th Uganda International Oil and Gas Summit, 2022. He highlighted the Land, Social and Environmental aspects of the Project, focusing on the environment and ongoing land acquisition process.
He stated that EACOP pipeline route and the location of the associated facilities were selected during a multi-year process based on comprehensive feasibility studies aiming at avoiding environmentally and socially sensitive areas and areas of high population density.
He also mentioned that the actual signing of compensation agreements did not start until Feb 2022 apart from a few ‘priority areas which started mid-2021. As notice to vacate is only given after compensation is paid, no PAPs were prevented from staying on and using their land prior to 202.
On Human Rights, the Managing Director emphasized EACOPs commitment to comply with national laws and international standards including IFC Performance Standards, Equator IV Principles, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.